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Administration Department

The primary function of the Administration Department is to ensure that proper legislative processes are being followed by the Town and Town Council.  Decisions of the Town Council are carried out by the Administration Department within the guidelines of The Municipalities Act. The Town Administrator is also responsible for the following:

  • Maintaining and safeguarding the official records of the Town of Turtleford;
  • Preparing and managing the agendas and minutes for all Town Council meetings;
  • Interpreating and implementing the bylaws of the Town of Turtleford;
  • Collecting revenue and paying expenses;
  • Providing administrative support services to Town Councillors;
  • Coordinating select Town programs and services;
  • Acting as the Returning Officer, supervising all municipal and school board elections; and
  • Administering the Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act (FOIP), including receiving FOIP requests.

The mission of the Town Administrator’s Office is to build public trust and confidence in local government. The Administrator ensures that the policies and programs of the municipality are carried out and that the overall strategic direction is actualized to ensure that Council's goals and objectives are achieved. The Town Office is located at 219 Main Street.

Hours of Operation

Monday to Friday 9:00 a.m. - 12:00 p.m. and 1:00 p.m. - 4:00 p.m.


Deanna Kahl-Lundberg – townofturtleford@sasktel.net

Assistant Administrator

Stefanie Rogers

Town Planner

Yvonne Prusak - planner.rm499@rmofmervin.com