Turtleford Points of Interest

Ernie the Turtle

Turtleford is the proud home of Ernie the Turtle. Standing at 2.4 m, Ernie is Canada’s largest and friendliest turtle. Designed by Don Foulds, Ernie was built to commemorate Turtleford’s acquisition of town status in 1983. Constructed with welded metal and wire mesh covered with cement, Ernie welcomes visitors along Hwy. 26.

Ernie the Turtle

Turtleford and District Museum

Just off of Hwy. 26, the Turtleford and District Museum is located in Turtleford’s original CN station now situated in the Lions Park. The Museum welcomes visitors from the May long weekend through Labour Day to see artifacts from local early settlers and aboriginal peoples. Installed each spring, the site features an authentic teepee.

Hours of Operation

Friday, Saturday, and Sunday 1:00 pm - 4:00 pm
or by appointment 

For more information:
Marilyn Bleakney 306-845-2433
Linda Blais 306-845-7794

Memorial Park

 Located on the corner of Railway Ave and Highway 303 is a serene park, perfect for a lunch break or pit stop! Feel free to stop at one of our local restaurants for some take out and have lunch in the park! Memorial Park 
